
Café Felix LiveBlog 6/13/08

10:02 - 86 kitchensliveblog summer08.

9:56 - Worldwide tomato blackout summer08 makes eating meaningless. If it doesn't have tomatoes in it, is it really even food?

9:53 - Some sort of outdoor Greenpeace earth party bs has been going on all day. It made crossing main st. easier for bxd.

9:52 - Sean is coming over here to pick up these glasses.

9:51 - Sean is sitting on some crates cutting something like he has been ALL NIGHT.

9:49 - It's almost time for bxd's liveblogging to come to an end. Right now he thinks that Josh and Thor might be high-fiving each other in the kitchen, but cannot confirm this as he is on the couch.

9:27 - Café lights are dimmed. That likely means things are about to get serious. Josh might be sweeping right now for all bxd knows. Thor might be cutting potatoes. Katie is for a fact washing dishes.

9:17 - Only thirteen days of bxd left. Get some while you can, it's going fast!
9:17 - Thor's apple fritters are legendary for their deliciousness (if you get a bite that has apple in it).

9:16 - They're probably back there cooking food right now.

9:15 - bxd continues to blog the state of the kitchen despite the fact that he is no longer in it.

Backlog - 6:30ish - The shot heard round the world: bxd gives Dave his two weeks notice, will be extremely sad to leave such awesome people behind, but it needed to be done.

9:13 - bxd is cut an hour early. plans to work until 10pm are foiled by Verona.

8:56 - It is possible for one person to simultaneously crack 4 eggs. Josh, bxd, and Sean simultaneously crack 12 eggs. This has to be some kind of world record.

8:53 - Josh is cybering with some vixen via ichat videochat. He's down to just his knickers in the kitchen.

8:21 - The truth is that an unsatisfactory being busy experience was just had by bxd and friends, including but not limited to Thor, Josh, and Sean.

7:57 - The truth is that an unsatisfactory pooping experience was just had by bxd.

7:45 - anticipation of Thor's delicious apple fritters is olverwhelming despite all his denials that that's what he's making and yes I did mean to write olverwhelming.

7:44 - bxd decides to poop through josh's legs to relieve both parties simutaneously.

7:43 - Friendship: (noun) when you shit in a pan.

7:30 - bxd is intrigued that instead of scanning today's log out of the book, he will have to later mass transcribe into the kitchen's log.

7:25 - The final decision on how to work is that Josh will put his arms through bxd's armpits while sean masturbates josh to climax.

7:19 - Josh and Ben are both working for Clay, so they have to do the same thing as each other. They may need to tie their legs together too.

7:13 - Great tomato holocaust of summer08 leaves kitchen in pandemonium. Shit is left out all over cuttingboards nationwide.

7:10 - Contrary to what Thor thinks, it doesn't have to have words to be a song.

7:07 - Josh is getting "bad" confused with "awesome". Thinks not informing customers of nuts in food is "bad" when really it's awesome.

7:05 - bxd creates first ever Café Felix Kitchen's Log Liveblog post.

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